ABOUT Perth Amboy High School NJROTC Unit

Greatness is more than potential, it is the execution of that potential. Beyond the raw talent you need the appropriate training, you need the discipline, you need the inspiration, you need the drive. If you have discipline, drive and determination...nothing is impossible.
Like everything else in this world, this program requires commitment and hard work, but also rewards you with some of the best experiences life can offer. As a member of the unit you will participate in team activities, such as the drill team, the armed drill team, color guard, and positions in N.J.R.O.T.C. Throughout the school year, there are trips that will expose you to different fields, and meet individuals who began with very little and are now inspiring leaders.
Successful leaders adapt their leadership style to meet the situation and use the
style that is appropriate to the occasion and is comfortable for that leader.
As cadets we lead by example because we never know whos watching.
HONOR- To be accountable for professional and personal behavior.
COURAGE- The confidence and mental strength to do right
COMMITMENT- A pledge to achieve a duty everyday
An effective follower usually demonstrates the same qualities as an effective leader
These are our recruits. We will train them to the best of our ability. We will develop them into smartly disciplined, physically fit, basically trained cadets. We will demand of them, and demonstrate by our own example, the highest standards of personal conduct, morality, and professional skill.
The Perth Amboy High School Naval Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (NJROTC) was first adopted by the Perth Amboy Board of Education in 1979. The first full year of completion was in 1980. The adoption of the program was strongly spearheaded by then President of 5the Board of Education, Mr. Edward Hmieleski, a Veteran of Foreign Wars. Mr. Frank Sinatra, Schools superintendent at the time, was also a strong force.
Perth Amboy's naval science curriculum consists of a forty-five minute class everyday, up to four years in length. This class is taken in place of an elective during the school day or tenth period afterschool. Thursdays are Uniform Days for naval cadets where the khaki uniform is to be worn (dress blues if directed for the officers)
Cadets learn from exploring new fields such as
• Military Customs and Courtesies- uniforms, military terms, commands, and
• Drills- marching, parades, ceremonies, and personal inspection
• Citizenship- community service, flag
• Leadership- setting and achieving goals, making plans, and taking command
• Maritime History- war at sea, U.S. Navy, strategy and tactics
• Seamanship- ship handling, ship constructing, ship crew, and weather
• Navigation- reading a map, compass, and coordinates, and distances
• Health- human growth and development, hygiene, drug, alcohol, tobacco abuse
• Physical Fitness- eating habits, exercising, heat, stress and dehydration
• First Aid- basic life support, bleeding, shock, bone and joint injuries, exposure
to temperature extremes, poisoning, emergency transport methods, common
medical emergencies
• Survival- fundamentals of survival in tropical, cold, and water enviroments
Today we do what others won't. So tomorrow, we can do what others can't. The future of the unit is the cadets; their determination, their drive and their love for the unit.
"Keep up the positive attitude. Discover the leader within you. Excel wherever life takes you. You are our future!" -CAPT Hard (Who is no longer apart of our unit but these words of wisdom to us shall live on.)