Cadet Uniform Regulations
The NJROTC uniform is a sign of respect to all soldiers when worn. It shows a cadets gratitude for the men and women who fought for our freedom. The uniform is what identifies us in our community, it's a symbol of who and what we are when we march down the street. For it is not the name tag that lets others know who we are but our actions and our uniform which we wear with pride.
The Navy JROTC consist of the following uniforms:
Linked below are the grooming standards for cadets:
Perth Amboy High School NJROTC Uniform Regulations For All Items:
Plain white t-shirts shall be worn with all uniforms and must be visivble. * V-necks are not authorized for wear. *
Uniform shirts shall be pressed with a properly placed NJROTC patch. For males it must be neatly tucked into trousers. *View the NJROTC Uniforms listed on the top page for measurements*
Shoes shall be Navy-style plain oxfords. All shoes shall be clean, and shall be well shined. Plain black dress pumps are authorized for wear as an optional item with the service dress uniform for female cadets with the rank of CPO and above.
TIP 1: Shining Your Shoes.
All you need is a little SPIT SHINE!
Classes will be held for cadets needing assistance in shining their shoes during the NJROTC class. In A nutshell, rub a clean cloth in black shoe polish so the tip of the cloth, wrapped around two fingers, is black. Dip the cloth in water once and begin using a small circular motion cover the entire shoe. Once the black polish on the cloth turns lighter, dip in water once more. Do not overfo the water. Continue until the shoe is almost mirror like.
Sock must me black and knee high, no ankle socks are authorized.
-When wearing hosery with navy skirt; must be as close to skin tone as possible.
Trousers should be pressed, well-fitted, proper length, and have no lint or stains visible.
Skirts: (Females ONLY)
Females are authorized to wear the blue skirt uniform skirt. Skirts must be hemmed to within 1 and 1/2-inches above or below the crease in the back of the knee.
Belts shall will be with matching uniform at all times. * Black for both Navy Service and Dress Blue Uniform, Khaki for Working Uniform* Belt buckles and brass tip will be well shined and in good condition. No stratches or marks will be present on the belt buckle or belt tip. *For males: Belt must be allined to gig-line.*
The combination cover is authorized for wear by officers and chiefs only , and can be worn with Service Dress Blue. The chin strap (gold for officers, black for chiefs) is adjusted to fit agaisnt the cover. The regular garrison cover should be worn squarely on the head with the bottom edge parallel to and 1 and 1/2-inches above the eyebrows.
Description: Made of authorized fabric measuring no more than 3 1/4-wide.
Must be hand-tied.
Correct Wear: Wear tie knotted with a half windsor, a windsor, or a four-inhand
knot. Wear the top of the knot parallel to and slightly above the top of
the shirt collar closure, hiding the top button. The bottom of the tie hangs
within one inch of the top of the belt buckle. The tie does not cover the
belt buckle.
Directions: CLICK HERE
( Resource: Cadet Field Manual pages 1-1 through 1-50)