Male Cadets Grooming Standards
Hair: Neat, clean, trimmed and present a well-groomed appearance. Above the ears and around the neck: must be tapered upwards 3/4 inch and outwards not greater than 3/4-inch. Must not touch the collar. No longer than 3 inches and the bulk shall not exceed 2 inches. One narrow part in the hair is authorized. This may be cut, clipped, or shaved. Plaited or braided hair is unauthorized. Hair may not show under the front brim of any uniform cap.

Sideburns: Neatly trimmed and tailored as described above. Shall not extend below a point level with the middle of the ear, as indicated by line “A”, and shall be of even width (not flared). Shall end with a clean-shaven horizontal line.
Mustaches or beards: Cadets are not allowed to wear beards nor mustaches. *In any case, all facial hair must be neatly trimmed*
Fingernails: Will not extend past the fingertips.
Earrings/Studs: Not authorized for male cadets.
Necklaces: Necklaces must not be visible under the uniform.
Rings: One per hand is authorized
Wristwatch/Bracelet: The wearing of a wristwatch and one (1) bracelet is authorized.
Sunglasses: A conservative pair is permitted if authorized by the naval science instructor. Sunglasses are not authorized in military formations.