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NJROTC provides meaningful leadership instruction of benefit to the student and of value to the Armed Forces. 

What does the NJROTC Program do?


  • Promotes Patriotism

  • Develops informed and responsible citizens

  • Develops respect for constructed authority

  • Develops leadership potential

  • Promotes high school completion

  • Promotes higher education

  • Promotes community service

  • Develops a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, individual discipline and leadership

  • Promotes an understanding of the basic elements and need for national security

  • Provides information on the military services as a possible career

  • Provides an alternative to gangs

  • Provides incentive to live healthy and drug free

What are the student requirements?


  • Be enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction in a grade 9 through 12 at Perth Amboy High School or other campus.

  • Be physically qualified to participate fully in the physical training

  • Maintain acceptable standards of academic achievement and an academic standing that warrants at least a 80 or above average.

  • Maintain acceptable standards of conduct.

  • Comply with specified personal grooming standards. Common sense and good judgment apply to the attainment of these standards. 

What are the benefits of NJROTC?


  • The NJROTC program is motivational in encouraging cadets to graduate from high school and continue to higher education offering free ACT/SAT preparation.

  • NJROTC cadets are better behaved, have higher attendance, are role models for the avoidance of substance abuse, have higher self-esteem, develop positive life skills, on average have higher grade point averages and graduate at a higher rate.

  • Cadets learn the value of teamwork and individual accomplishments from belonging to NJROTC.

  • The character education in NJROTC teaches values, principles, and self-discipline promoting positive, productive behaviors and provides a support structure that is critical not only in helping cadets avoid the use of drugs, but living a healthy and fit lifestyle.

  • While the training is along military lines, it is conducted so as to encourage initiative and individuality to develop natural gifts, to teach self-control, develop personal character, responsibility and qualities of integrity, loyalty, and dedication.

  • Cadets accepted for enlistment, who provide evidence of successful completion of at least 3 years of NJROTC are entitled to advanced promotion to pay grade E-3 upon initial enlistment in an active or reserve component of the Army, Navy, or Air Force, and pay grade E-2 in the Marine Corps; or completion of 2 years are entitled to E-2 (except in the Marine Corps and Air Force).

  • Senior Naval Science Instructor is authorized to nominate a maximum of three eligible cadets each year to compete for Leadership Academy appointments.

300 Eagle Ave.
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

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